21 July 2020

Before and after quarantine

We always have a tendency of giving value to the things which is  going away from us . World is having serious issues going on...but  we must also learn from bad times! Lets discuss some basic things about before and after quarantine.

Before quarantine vs after quarantine

1.It was amazing ...when children used to go to school ,teen going to college ,people going to job or business etc. Everyone where busy in there own world. 
        But now the time is like some are having online classes and some are sitting idle at home, some are working from home ,some are simply sitting and to pass time they are doing household things. People 's business is effected, someone's life itself is completely effected!

09 July 2020

Do you ignore yourself?

Do you often ignore yourself ?  If no then just say me one thing you have done today to be happy...

It  can happen sometimes that work becomes priority, sometimes family ,sometimes friends and sometime social media but what we often ignore is our own self!

It is required to take care of ourself also!

What if we start caring about our health by getting up early,doing exercise,yoga,meditation etc Our health will be amazing. But we give excuse of not having time....