04 November 2023

Life is when you start living.

 Life is when you start living:

Hello there...Guys its so obvious that we tend to even forget that we are alive! I mean we know it we are alive but majority of times we are stuck with the routine, pressure, responsibilties etc...so much that we often tend to forget to take a breathe of relief , be in the present moment live life to the fullest.

Following are few mindset that people have....some wrong belief n some wrong perspective which restrain life to live to the fullest.

 1.Being more calculative and seeing outcome rather then being happy and enjoying process

When we were kids , we enjoy to the core because we dont create a line of right and wrong .We do what we like ,we do what we want.... if we are thirsty we will ask for water , if we are hungry we will crave for food, we laugh, cry, learn, fall Here there is no logic behind playing, we play because we like it, we enjoy and we are happy.

We wont calculate saying that what is the future of playing games? its sounds so funny but dont we do when we become adult? like we keep asking , being calculative of our time . we choose more things based on knowledge and perception which might work and might not! And very less things based on our happiness.

08 September 2023

Self Love

 Self Love: 

Only Love that is not a waste of time. In the entire world we meet so many people...our family,friends ,office colleagues etc. Every relation teach us something or the other. Some are here for selfish motive , some genuinely cares. Getting attached with the wrong person might harm us badly. Thats why the most people after  realises value of self love after breakup or major loss in their life.

Self love is concept in which you are giving all your energy, love,respect, care to yourself. Specially Mothers are in a habit to love others so much that they forget about themself , their needs etc.  which is not a good thing. We only have one life ...we should serve people but there are certain responsibility towards ourself too.

Self love is not selfishness:

Just imagine you are hungry and serving food to others, or you need money but donating it to others. There would be a sense of emptiness within and many times its impossible to serve others what we need and where we are lacking.Instead if you try to love yourself first...you can love others in a much better way..

Depression, anxiety , and all those worries happens because we give importance to others more then ourself.  If a person loves himself fully he will never be sad no matter what life throws at him . 

07 August 2023

Bored with daily routine?

 Sometimes we go into same routine daily due to which life becomes boring ..its like their is no excitement or fun . Running behind money taking care of family ...the day ends and soon year passes too quickly. 

Why not lets look into things that make a life a bit intresting and better then we were living?

Following or the things to brake a monotonous life into a fun life.

1. Take a brake.

As simple it sounds but far more magical it is. Why not take a brake for few days and just go and spend time with nature? We take holidays from office for multiple reasons but have we ever taken a single day holiday for our own happiness and freedom?. Its great to be dedicated towards work but work is never ending process and thus a small brake can bring back the fire and craze to work in much more better way. 

08 February 2023

Don't be a prisoner of past!

Easy to say, yet hard to adapt!

Yes but dont be a prisoner of past!

Everyone in life face problems... For some even small things have high impact and for others even big things doesn' t even effect as it should.      Problems might not be in our hand but our response and the way we handle it is in our hand. 

But if u ask someone about their painful experience everyone will have something or some other things to share.

Its life. Things will happen...sometime one can experience pain of ill health or sometimes career can be a big mess...sometimes relationship are spoiled or sometimes name and fame or sometimes everything can happen together.

10 January 2023

Focus on focus!

 Focus on focus!

Generally people take focus very lightly . But its a great concept which has deeper meanings.

Focus means putting our energy into a particular direction. From learning every small things to achieving  success the basic element required is focus. 

One must understand where there focus should be and for how long and how much. If a person masters this things, he can surely transform his life. 

Out of all negative situations in life no matter what it is, if we focus on positive things we attract more of it and if focus on  negative things the more negativity circumstances arises.