04 November 2023

Life is when you start living.

 Life is when you start living:

Hello there...Guys its so obvious that we tend to even forget that we are alive! I mean we know it we are alive but majority of times we are stuck with the routine, pressure, responsibilties etc...so much that we often tend to forget to take a breathe of relief , be in the present moment live life to the fullest.

Following are few mindset that people have....some wrong belief n some wrong perspective which restrain life to live to the fullest.

 1.Being more calculative and seeing outcome rather then being happy and enjoying process

When we were kids , we enjoy to the core because we dont create a line of right and wrong .We do what we like ,we do what we want.... if we are thirsty we will ask for water , if we are hungry we will crave for food, we laugh, cry, learn, fall Here there is no logic behind playing, we play because we like it, we enjoy and we are happy.

We wont calculate saying that what is the future of playing games? its sounds so funny but dont we do when we become adult? like we keep asking , being calculative of our time . we choose more things based on knowledge and perception which might work and might not! And very less things based on our happiness.

2.Being more stressful in small things

Many kids do get diseases but they dont know what it is! they dont forget to play, ...like if we adult get even a fever we will be like yaar lets  not do this work today, lets avoid it. And we worry a lot about our health...and that stress is enough to make us more sick. Do take care of health by taking medicines but dont you forget to be at ease and take less stress .

3.Fear of being judged:

During our childhood we are even asked to do certain task and we also fail , people do laugh. for example if we are asked to sing a song, or tell a rhyme in front of guest arrived at home or in school. we do get afraid but we try. We don't hesitate to try ,we dont hesitate to be curious to learn. 

4.Perfection in every work

Once a kid enters school his resposibility becomes studies ,having pressure to perform well in exams , to do best is implanted in ourself from so early stage that one can hardly think out of the box and  also even forget to enjoy the process

5.We fear to commit mistakes: 

How can one live without committing mistakes...life doesn't come with manual to do a particular task n then just go. Everyone running behind perfection so much that they muss doing so much right things they would have done if they would love to take risk rather then fearing and not trying at all.

6. Procrastination is our best friend

Its so common that we always try to do procrastinate hell lot of things which actually ends up in major loss. Like people procrastinate to work on idea they just got...they keep postponing task , they even  procrastinate to be happy like listening to their deepest wants and desires, they keep on thinking that they will do that thing tomorrow but they fails to realise that tomorrow they will have different mindset and different opportunity ...

7. Holding past

Other reason of not living life to the fullest is we often tend to hold past too much. We all encounter certain things in life that we never wanted. As life is uncertain anything can happen. In our past there would be plenty of great things that happened but all our focus to one wrong thing...all those negative things which makes us worry. If one understands that he is not his past . He is in this very moment that he is living. And moreover its not what people think about you that you are its all about what you think about you . When one tries more to be in present , he automatically releases past ...or else he keep revisiting and keep experiencing the same negative energies which have high tendency to not just destroy present but even future.

8. Worried about future

You want to be successful, have millions of dreams to be accomplished but in the way of working towards dream why to forget the process of achieving it!

It happens that people want to reach somewhere and they keep running,....keep trying harder harder and much more harder. No time to think, no time to relax not time to enjoy .....just goal and ita worries what if they wouldn't achieve? What if they fail? Etc etc...

Whatever your goal may be ....but your first responsibilty is to keep yourself happy , to enjoy the journey of success, to pamper yourself sometimes....and sometimes if required take a brake. Be dedicated towards work but also take care of a smile of innocent child inside you that just wanted to experiment and was curious to enjoy and play.

9. Just in the race

We keep making ourself busy and keep adding task after task, meetings after meetings etc. But wait a minute how far he look into a moment to sit and relax. Sometimes its important to take a brake. Many a times taking a brake solves many problems as you get time to rest and enjoy rather then just running in the race to be successful. Many a times not to do anything enables you to to do hell lot of things.

10. We think we will be alive tomorrow where we have no idea about the very next second

Majority of people live in a mindset that tomorrow will come. They think they will do all their greatest plans and their desires to enjoy , to go for a vacation or even go towards their goal of achieving something big ...they will think they will do tomorrow , they think they will enjoy tomorrow but bro you have no idea whether you will get that chance again or not! Its not that I am scaring you for death but its like who knows tomorrow situation changes? Who knows the vacation that you are going to plan some day never comes! What if you never get chance to look after your dream? 

You have this moment....very this moment it ia next to you as you are reading this article. And like such every present moment you have .....Instead of postponing your happiness, desires seize this day and makes it yours forever.  Dont let moments to wait for your action rather do something so unexpected and so fascinating that you take each day and enjoy to its core and live each day to the fullest to live life to the fullest. Be curious as kid ....do everything you wanted to do. Let your inner child speak!

Thus its not counted how many years we have lived but what matters is how many moments we actually enjoyed and made things memorable. Their is no doubt that we need money for survival but it is so very important to live the life not just survive or merely exist ! 

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