23 January 2022

Societal Standards.


It looks like society had created certain standards and everyone think in the same direction and keep on following without even questioning it.So lets discuss few...

1. To be perfect apperance wise

If a person is not good looking then people doesn't even stay clam for a second and start judging and passes on tons of  advices . Thus everyone claims for perfect figure...like he or she must not to be fat, skinny,ugly,short heighted etc

 But wait a minute does life comes with an instruction guide or have we given choices before we were created ? No right? Then why to be sad for the thing which is not under our control? But if its under our control then we can definitely work for it.

And to those who passes on those silly comments...why the hell are those people bothered about others life? Like if they really care is different story but majority of times they just want to satisfy their ego. 

 And to those poor people who listen to those comments and blame on themself for entire life for not being perfect...guys however we are its God 's gift . And stop blaming yourself. Its like your punishing yourself without your mistake! Each one have their own strength and weakness. Try to love yourself first the way you are...We cannot satisfy entire society but we must definitely be happy within....

Perfection doesn't exist in reality. Everyone have their own flaws. So its beautiful to be imperfectly happy...