08 September 2023

Self Love

 Self Love: 

Only Love that is not a waste of time. In the entire world we meet so many people...our family,friends ,office colleagues etc. Every relation teach us something or the other. Some are here for selfish motive , some genuinely cares. Getting attached with the wrong person might harm us badly. Thats why the most people after  realises value of self love after breakup or major loss in their life.

Self love is concept in which you are giving all your energy, love,respect, care to yourself. Specially Mothers are in a habit to love others so much that they forget about themself , their needs etc.  which is not a good thing. We only have one life ...we should serve people but there are certain responsibility towards ourself too.

Self love is not selfishness:

Just imagine you are hungry and serving food to others, or you need money but donating it to others. There would be a sense of emptiness within and many times its impossible to serve others what we need and where we are lacking.Instead if you try to love yourself first...you can love others in a much better way..

Depression, anxiety , and all those worries happens because we give importance to others more then ourself.  If a person loves himself fully he will never be sad no matter what life throws at him .