06 December 2019

Some magic is missing in modern days...

We say old is gold same goes with our childhood and olden days... There is lot of improvement in  technology and way of living in modern days but some magic is missing in modern days. So lets compare olden days..

In olden days ..things where not easy but where beautiful in itself. People used to work manually and that was good for health and now in order to make life easy we made it complicated. Before more work we do more healthy and active we will now its opposite the more work we do more unhealthy we will be..

The comfort is playing key role. We want every work at fingertips , we actually became lazy nowadays.... People go to office lot of work and tension spending 8 hours there in a work  where mental strain is too much and 1% activity on physical level which makes them unhealthy both physically and mentally.. Its not wrong to go to office but wrong is not taking measures to be healthy.(not eating healthy homemade food,not doing exercises, yoga, meditation ,etc)

Before people used to act out of innocence just as a child who don't know evil things,majority of them were innocent and only few commit crimes and now majority of them engage in wrong activity more or less and also that we can see children of 12 years knows how to cheat,how to say lie and engage in wrongful activity ! Now very few people follow truth and are ethical.

In olden days mobile and television were treated as luxury and now it became necessity..Biggest challenge for today's generation is to stay away from social media for 24 hours...Seriously we even dont realize how much time we are wasting just on scrolling down our phone screen!

Phone had became smart and people had became lazy!

Technology  was made to make our task easy but not to make us lazy..Social media was a platform made for connecting people not for disconnecting from present moment.....

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