28 April 2020

Debate for and against mobile .

Mobile is no doubt so great...but the problem is the way we misutilize it .

Debate between to use mobile or not to use

1. Mobile  is so good way to entertain

Ans. In the name of entertainment  we are actually fooling ourself and just killing time!

2. But when I use technology its so much fun..

Ans.What about your health...like if you overuse it and damage your eyes...you will get a big opticals and what about your mind and overall your health? Does spoiling yourself makes you happy?

17 April 2020

Things to do in quarantine time

Hello everyone...today i am going to talk about things we can do in quarantine time but before that i would request everyone to take this time seriously and take care of others by staying safe, wash your hands on regular intervals ,and try every possible step to be away from corona virus .
          Try to help others ...there are many people who cannot earn in this time and they are in need of money for survival .

05 April 2020

Truth and lie

Truth matters a lot..Its not just for good deeds but for great life...A life where everyone can trust us,A life where people can believe and  also can support is in difficult time.

But is it easy to speak truth? Do we speak truth with every people and with every situation?How many people speak truth and how many always speak truth?

The greatness of truth is it is pure. It is reality,you no need to remember it. But our mind is biggest culprit...