05 April 2020

Truth and lie

Truth matters a lot..Its not just for good deeds but for great life...A life where everyone can trust us,A life where people can believe and  also can support is in difficult time.

But is it easy to speak truth? Do we speak truth with every people and with every situation?How many people speak truth and how many always speak truth?

The greatness of truth is it is pure. It is reality,you no need to remember it. But our mind is biggest culprit...

Sometimes by the way of showoff we knowingly or unknowingly speak lies.
In the way of proving one self superior and boost the ego one speak lie.Some photos are wrapped with a fake smiles. Others wrapped by richness. Why we need to prove ourself superior then others?is there actually any need of it?

If we are great  then no proof is required but if we showoff and always wanted to prove others that we are great means we are no more as great as before!

Being truthful had became like a challenge. Truth makes us trustworthy but in order to prove yourself great if you speak lie you are not great.....

1st lie is when we show off other and second  is when we hide our mistakes.
Life doesnt come with manual to use...thus mistakes happens but to correct it is in our hand. It requires lot of courage to accept mistakes and say truth . One should learn from mistakes and never repeat it. That's how life teach us.

3rd lie is when we dont speak truth to our self. Yes...its much difficult to battle with our self. Example... When our ego becomes bigger, we cant admit mistakes to our own self! We cant call ourself fool to do such silly mistakes! We say we dont have time but we are the one wasting time but scrolling to social media or doing unwanted activities...

4th lie is excuses.. We give excuse to others and also to ourself  with stupid reasons in order to avoid work... Start on recalling what all excuses you have made which was not at all true.

5 th lie is for the benefit of others or our ownself
Might be sometimes we get into situation where we speak lie for the benefit of others or for our ownself. May be this is not as bad as other lie as intention matters!

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