30 November 2020

Invest in yourself!

 Invest in yourself!

This topic seems very common...it is something which we often hear & its really very important but  yet we ignore it...

As money minded people we always think about how can we earn more, how can we invest so that it doubles up after certain time....but why we forget to invest in ourself?

we always charge our mobile ,upgrade it to make best use of it but why we forget to upgrade ourself?

Invest in yourself means working in such a way that your potential, capability increases which brings you a great return of happiness and satisfaction.

So lets see how can we invest in ourself...

1. To improve health .

 There are plenty of things that can improve health like Eating right food at right time,avoiding junk, drinking more water,Activities like yoga, pranayama, exercise,gym,etc makes our body stronger, meditation is also very important to make our mind clear and better. 

2. To work on our weaknesses.

Everyone has weakness but the difference is how we learn to deal with our weakness... If our will power is strong enough then we can do magic and transform our weaker areas to stronger areas.. Its all upto us, no one is going to teach us...

3. To learn new things.

 There is so many things that a person can learn,It can be a new language, new skill to try may be learning a musical instruments or might be trying out some art and crafts,cooking untried recipe....etc Dont find a reason to try different things...Just try and enjoy it as far as possible.

4. To work on our happiness.

In the way of working we forget to be happy...  In the way of earning livelihood we forget what makes us alive! We can find happiness in small small things...

5.Stop comparing

Sometimes people have tendency to compare themself with others, but while doing so they mistreat themself. When we compare we cannot become better infact we become even worse. We can definitely learn from others but we should not try to be harsh to ourself.

 For example if a person is little healthy and he feel sad when  he compare with others and then he stop eating food as much as possible...Here the problem is not about your trying hard to be better but the main problem is that you are not loving yourself !

6. Have time for yourself

We get too busy in studying,earning livelihood , or nurturing relationships but we hardly give time to ourself. Just make a rule 30 mins for yourself daily. This will refresh you up and will make you satisfied. In this 30 mins you can do anything for yourself like follow your passion, hobby,dance,sing,listen music etc just be crazy...

7. Stay away from negative vibes

Just be happy and positive person. No need to carry your past or any kind of negative vibes that makes you sad. Just enjoy...life is given to us and its our responsibility to fill colors in it by smiling and loving life. If someone behaves badly let it go...avoid it ,ignore it but when we think about same matter our thoughts become negative and we dont realize how we disconnect from our ownself!

8. Implementing should be easy task.

Sometimes we all know this things but yet we either ignore it or doesn't take proper actions which is like learning for exam and at the end not giving exam only! Thus its very much important to not just know but follow it &When it feels difficult  ask why we are not able to do? And once again try it with small steps.

9. Time management

Avoid wasting of time in silly things...and give a direction towards productive things which adds value either to your name or your character.

10 Increase your worth

When talking about money its value reduces over a period of time ...talking about our health even it reduces over a period of time...But our worth it depends on us and we can surely increase it over a period of time by investing our time to the valuable things and live a precious life ! 

11. Improve quality of thoughts

As our thoughts decides not just our character but also our future its very much important to increase quality of our thoughts. The way we deal with our mind, the way we make it to do work, handle emotions, think logic ,and questioning ourself creates a lot of difference and it will not just bring change in  our life but also impacts the life of whole universe!

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