24 June 2021

Mobile addiction vs Willpower

We are so much trapped by our own mind that when it comes to change for betterment...we try 5 % and expect 100% result!

Mobile is such an amazing device but  only if we use it in proper way. The thing is nowadays if we are free even for a minute....our hand goes subconsciously to pick up mobile and then hours passes off in just scrolling down... Actually we are not scrolling pictures we are scrolling our life down!

If instead of using mobile too much unnecessary ,if we start observing life it would be a grate thing. Life is beautiful it is us who makes it boring! There is nothing called as boredom if we have our company with us!

But when using too much of mobile becomes our habit things go out of control then lets see clash between willpower and mobile addiction. 

Mobile Addiction vs Willpower

1. Mobile addiction: "Hey...check out me... I will show you something trendy and  amazing today"

Willpower: " You are right but hours will simply pass off in checking out so called trendy and amazing thing which is not at all amazing thing!"

2.Mobile addiction: "Lets make a deal to see for 10 mins maximum"

Willpower: "10 mins will become hours, not to take such risk"

07 June 2021

Lockdown time

When corona virus came last year it was like so much fear...so much worries.. we never ever thought such things will happen...in this pandemic many had lost their loved ones,their business, their job,their studies etc... 

After 1 year when things had turn out to be normal again same things started happening and again this lockdown began...Hope things turn out favourable soon.

Today I just thought why not share some experience of lockdown.