15 December 2022

Its required to say 'no' sometimes!

 Its required to say 'no' sometimes and not required to adjust every time!

This is for those people who always say 'yes' as they are too much concerned about if the other person get hurt! People who selflessly care for others.

In many houses, from childhood we have been encouraged to be a good person . And thus in order to do so we try our best to not to hurt others.Saying yes for all those things that they dont want to do just for the sake of others is sometimes great but can act as disaster too if done always.  Specially girls have taught to adjust and understand which is really very beautiful thing. But why they are not taught when not to adjust?

Have you seen your parents, they dont just adjust ....infact they sacrifice their  life for sake of there kids! They dont buy things for themself first but they always think about their kids what will they like, what they want etc. They won't plan vacation outside as burdened by responsibilities and in the process they get older. Once they are older some kids take them for granted which is heart braking thing.

08 September 2022

The key to unlock success.

The key to unlock success.


In life we have certain goals. Those goals gives us satisfaction and joy. For the sake of goals we are ready to sacrifice anything possible. 

Defination of success various from one person to another.For one, success is earning millions, for another it is being popular, for one success is to serve humanity, for another success is to be best at all area of life!

Let it be any goal from being healthy,earning money,gaining popularity, fulfilling desire of becoming something , serving humanity, maintaining good relationship or learning new skills, etc everything can be possible only based on one thing that is Willpower!

Yes willpower is the one of the basic key ingredient required to achive success!

16 August 2022

Life and its turns...

 Life is very beautiful....and as it is  beautiful it is more unpredictable too...we never know what happens. It can be best sometimes,it can be worst too. We might feel amazing and suddenly it can give us shock, We might feel sad and suddenly it can be magical too!Life is just so unpredictable!

Health,career,relationship anything at any time can challenge us...sometimes all the things gets messed up at a single stretch!

05 March 2022

New job

New job

We all have one thing common in mind that is to earn money and 'To stand on our own legs' as proverb been said and heard. For the purpose of earning we have a concept of choosing right career options so that we will be enjoying while earning. 

Thus choosing right career option becomes one of the major important choice of life. From the childhood kid is prepared to study as much as possible and score highest marks.

Some kids are presurised to choose certain option and perform in a certain way.  At the age 20 to 25 it becomes very hard to manage our studies,job and also to enter into marriage proposals.

23 January 2022

Societal Standards.


It looks like society had created certain standards and everyone think in the same direction and keep on following without even questioning it.So lets discuss few...

1. To be perfect apperance wise

If a person is not good looking then people doesn't even stay clam for a second and start judging and passes on tons of  advices . Thus everyone claims for perfect figure...like he or she must not to be fat, skinny,ugly,short heighted etc

 But wait a minute does life comes with an instruction guide or have we given choices before we were created ? No right? Then why to be sad for the thing which is not under our control? But if its under our control then we can definitely work for it.

And to those who passes on those silly comments...why the hell are those people bothered about others life? Like if they really care is different story but majority of times they just want to satisfy their ego. 

 And to those poor people who listen to those comments and blame on themself for entire life for not being perfect...guys however we are its God 's gift . And stop blaming yourself. Its like your punishing yourself without your mistake! Each one have their own strength and weakness. Try to love yourself first the way you are...We cannot satisfy entire society but we must definitely be happy within....

Perfection doesn't exist in reality. Everyone have their own flaws. So its beautiful to be imperfectly happy...