04 March 2020

Why childhood is greatest period of one's life?

Childhood is actually golden period of life which one goes could never be returned.  But have you ever thought why this is so?

Because kids are one of the innocent creatures in the world.

They can easily forgive and forget others which we elders cant!

Kids are curious to do new things,they dont analys too much whether they should do or not.They blindly follows their heart and do it.

If kids are dealing with life threatening disease they still play and enjoy…and can never get sad by thinking about it but we elders even if got caught with fever stays at bed and dont go for work and think so much about it!

If you give a 2 year kid a chocolate and money and ask him to choose one he will take chocolate! He will not be pleased by money which can buy 100 of chocolates but could only be pleased by a chocolate which can give him 1000 times of happiness. Which is totally opposite for elders who can even sell their happiness for money!

Kids are free from themself.They dont trap themself with the fear of thinking what others will think!

 Even if child do lot of physical activity they never get tired! What they find is just a fun and we adults go for a job and comes to home as if fought a battle!
Kids never get tired only adults get it!

If someone makes fun of kids even they will laugh at themself bit ..but we elders if someone cracks a joke on us we remember that person till we die!

As kids are great their experiences is also great …thus no matter how bad conditions we grow or how good condition we are in today …what matter is childhood remains greatest period of one's life!

But this moment of our life can be great if we stop worrying and start exploring world as a new born baby and taste the spice and sweets of life without having a recycle bin in our mind where we used to dump negativity.

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