09 June 2020

How to deal with mobile addiction?

Nowadays Mobile itself had became an important thing in our life. We know time is precious and once gone can never be gained but still we get so much addicted to phone that we can easily spend hours in scrolling social media and engaging in unimportant activities.We know everything but sometimes we still cant solve it....

Mobile is no doubt great creation but what matter is how we use it .The choice is upto us whether to utilize or misutilize it!

We humans can do anything but when it comes to mind we find it hard!...

So lets understand how to deal with mobile addiction.

I know its not easy to deal with but yet not complex that it can never be solved. Its all mind game. Its about How well we can control ourself for the things that cause us harm.

Using too much mobile is harmful not just for our eyes but entire our body and also have drastic impact on our life.

Small things that might help to get rid of mobile addiction..

1 Keep your mobile aside as far as possible.
The simpler it is but yet harder in implementing but still we can atleast try for few hours. Challenge yourself ex. no mobile for 1 hour.  once achieved you can reward yourself.
( your reward should be apart from using mobile😉)
gradually increase number of hours ....by this.. one can easily understand how far he can control his mind.

2. Count  number of hours you spend on mobile.
you can also download  any tracking app which will help you to understood how many hours you spend in each application. Take a note of each day . At the end of day you can ask yourself what you have learnt from it ?

Soon you will understand and feel regret about wasting hours in useless things! this is required because we actually never realize how many hours we simply waste on each day

And if multiply those each day wasted hours into months, years ,decades  almost half of our life time is wasted. moreover using technology our health is drastically effected!  ....at the end we live less! i m not scaring but its a fact that time gone can never  be regained... choice is upto us.

3..See on which application you spend majority of your time.
 Keep alarm ,You can also make timetable and avoid application which are unproductive infact if your mind is much stronger you can straight away delete it or else you can also gradually reduce the amount of using it.

4. turn off notifications.
sometimes we will be doing our work but suddenly we get notifications and our mind gets diverted thus simply turn off notification. not just in mobile setting but also in your brain beacause sometimes even if notification is not  ringed we still feel that might be someone had texted or uploaded some funky things...

5. Interest is the key
Try to do things which you are interested apart from using mobile. You can learn new things or atleast do things which makes you happy. It could be anything like singing,dancing,calligraphy,guitar,flute,going to walk , meeting friends,play offline games ,spend time with family,sketch something, write a poetry etc . you will forget your addiction and who knows you discover a new you!

6.Be busy
If suppose you have lot of work and you have no option to do those work then you will notice your addiction will somewhere fly. As you don't even remember to use phone and nor you can afford to waste time! try to be busy, leaning, working, play... but never be bored.. the moment you will feel bored your mind will automatically think to open phone.

7.Don't easily open your phone.
I mean keep some timeconsuming barriers. your phone should not be opened easily! the more timeconsuming it will be , you will feel lazy enough to open phone .. and may be you change your decision!

8. Keep a habit where if you are with someone avoid using phone.
It seriously annoys when you want to speak to someone but that person is busy in phone,chating,uploading food images.   Don't let your relations get effected!
Live that moment ,capture in your heart not in mobile's memory!

9.Limit entertainment 
If you are so much addicted to mobile you can atleast limit usage by giving restrictions for using only 30 mins in 5hrs etc. And if you want to use more use mobile for such activity which is not entertaining but productive. But still  avoid using as far as possible.

10.Don't use mobile for atleast 15 to 30mins when you wake up and before you go to bed.
When we wake up our brain is completely fresh and if we feed our brain with harmful rays  and unnecessary things then it will get tired more ... We will feel lazy whole day and if use mobile at night then our sleep will be disturbed!

11. Exercise, deep breath, yoga ,meditate
These things will make our body strong and energetic...thus we will not feel lazy and also helps in braking mobile addiction!

If we can do things which are good for us then why we feel it hard for stop doing things that are harmful to us?

Mobile was made to make our work easy,to connect with people but not for disconnecting our own self!

Enjoy your moment  or else at the end there will be regret of not living life fully.

You dont let your mobile battery die but how can you leave your body's energy to die??

This are things that can help to get rid of mobile addiction but all are useless if we take it lightly! Be bold enough to get rid of mobile addictions.

Hope it helps.

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