There are certain things which matters a lot but we often ignore it.. so lets discuss few of them..

1. Avoid junk foods and junk thoughts too.
Some people have a habit of eating too much packaged foods or eating fast food and food that are not cleaned or freshed or may be food which was prepared 2 days back or 24 hours before...or may be we eat less or may be we overeat which is dangerous for our body. We all know this things but its all upto us how we adapt in our life..Its like how much we are serious for our own betterment!
As we are concerned about right quality of food we must also be concerned about right quality of thoughts ..This is the aspect which we often ignore...I mean what we see ,hear and think effects our action and outcome... So keeping stupid things in mind will definitely destroy our potential!Just throw away old clutter of negative thoughts and make space for positivity.
2. Decorate room but don't forget to decorate life.
Sometimes we think about arranging things in right way or may be cleaning or decorating our house or room.. We always try to maintain it our best . But what about our life? Do we even give importance and time to ourself to rearrange messy things in our life? Do we decorate our life with colors of happiness?
3.Don't let your inner child die.
When we see kids we find that they are very curious to learn ,try and explore new things, they are free from negativity, they don't remember past sad things and cry on the same matter again and again. they are the perfect example of enjoying present moment. In the name of responsibility, work or any reason don't let your inner self to die.
4.Work on yourself then judging others.
We become good advisor when it comes to the problems of others but we are bad in taking action for our own problems We behave in such a way that we are great and keep judging others,..we actuallly waste a lot of time in criticising them. Every individual is different and instead of pointing out others we must point our own self.. No one is perfect in the world! thus we must work on ourself and increase our capabilities such that we can improve our quality of thoughts and action and can make tremendous changes in the life of others.
5.Be honest not just to others but yourself too.
We know that we must tell truth to others and always try to be honest but how about being honest to our ownself? Knowingly or unknowingly we keep on saying lie to ourself like ,when we give unneccesary excuse to postpone things.
6.Upgarde mobile but dont forget to upgrade your self.
As we upgrade our mobile we must also upgrade our knowledge by learning new skills,
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