09 September 2019


The word itself gives us hell lot of tension...but still wanted to write about it..
 Hope you can relate to the things.And now  lets get started...

 Exam the way of checking one 's ability.
Exam gives lot of worries,nervousness and tension...it gives happiness only when ....all exams are over... And also when your checking answer and luckily the question which you have doubt is answered correctly .... Oo..it feels big victory.

But ...if you found that your answer marked is wrong you feel as if you are going to tear question paper and thus many student stop themself to not to check question paper at all... Actually its fine not to check because it effects your performance in next paper.
Exam also gives us happiness when we passed and sadness in vice versa...

Whatever we write in exam most of us, most of the syllabus after writing exam will be vanished from our memory after certain time...sometimes it looks like whats the use of remembering things which we are going to forget ??...but the fact is we must try to understand why we are supposed to study those topics,what is the use of it in real life,what moral it gives and how can we make learning intersting.Untill and unless we understand this we will not enjoy true beauty of education...

There are certain people who have big degrees but still they dont speak smartly They have proof of certificate that they have learned so many things but it doesnt look by their behaviour or action or words that they have used what they have learned

It should be like before you say other person your degree he must understand that you are highly educated by your words,action, and smartness! Your way of speaking, knowledge in communicating and bodylanguage must prove him that you are highly educated.

Just imagine .....your certficates and degrees are taken away from you ....then who you are? From the time when you are introduced to a new topic but you never care about in understanding all you wanted to do is just mug up and spend many hours of your life in memorising things ,somehow obtain a degree and pass out and then those certificate is taken from you...you feel very bad right.

But if you have learned by understanding topics rather then mugging up...and you feel like education has transformed you to a different person then you will feel sad that your certificate is lost but you will understand that studying such hard was not at all waste even if your
certificates are taken from you your knowledge remains with you and tge kind of person you have became which gives you immense satisfaction.

But of you where among 1st category then dont kill me for such a terrific imagination but the fact I am trying to say is that many people just study to get that certificate moreover a piece of paper so that it will give name ,fame,money...This things are no doubt required but being greedy about certificate and name,fame,money and giving no importance to knowledge is just a waste! 

Exam just gives us knowledge but its our job to know and understand how to use knowledge in practical life ...

Well exam is just part of life ..but why studies makes us so busy in the way of  handling stress and happiness in the middle of pass and fail we forget that we are closing chapter of student life ....I mean life just passes and after certain time we feel that time has passed out so quickly.....

live your every stage of life to the fullest....enjoy learn, relearn love your life....work and understand as much as possible,plan timetable,never lose hope....As said" Temporary hardwork leads to permanent satisfaction".

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