04 November 2019

How to overcome fear of public speaking?

Public speaking is an amazing skill which everyone needs it one day or the other..imagine yourself speaking with big number of audience ,preparing speech,holding mike,cheerful claps of audience on your entry etc.

          But many people have talent,could speak also well but the problem is they get fear when they see big number of audience,they began to sweat,have fear of commiting mistakes, nervousness in mind,gets blank etc ..

So lets see what steps to be followed to overcome fear of public speaking.

1.Be well versed with the subject.
Its a very basic but most important thing to be well versed with the subject you are going to speak. Look on what all questions could be asked if allowed to, try to make topic interesting,ask yourself which area you have not understood properly or which is your weak point or how you can modify your speech, etc. Being perfect in your content will help you to be little confident about your self.

2.Practice a good communication skill
Knowing topic is different from communication. If you know many topics but could not communicate it then there is no use in it. So try speaking in front of mirror,when you are alone in your room imagine there is huge audience in front of you and try speaking it properly, try speaking to your friends,family,kids,or any person possible but not with your competitors. Try speaking in small groups,then larger,then much larger and so on.. The more you practice the more you will gain fluency in your words.

3. Have a good appearance 
Dont wear uncomfortable clothes,have your dress according to occasion,dont look to different nor look very simple. This things we know but it happens many times with us that in spite of knowing we ignore and wear such shoes or such dress which is uncomfortable or is not good. Wrong dress also takes away your confident.

4. Body language also matters a lot.
Knowingly or unknowingly while speaking our body language matters a lot. Its something which we always take it lightly.
Every action of ours has different meaning so before going on stage look at how your body language should be.

5.Eye contact
If you are now confident enough then you may be able to maintain eye contact with some people in audience but if  you still get fear when you see large audience then you can just pretend of eye contact by seeing slightly above there eyes on forehead.

6.Observe speech of other great speakers 
Throughout our life we learn most of the things from our observation.Same thing you can do it here. See videos about how other people are speaking in front of such big audience with so big confidence,When you are in home record your own speech and see what is the different between your speech and there speech.

7. Try to relax yourself before your speech.
Dont be too excited nor be too nervous.  Take some deep breath ,relax yourself,if you are music lover then listen to your favourite songs,do anything possible which calms you down.Try to be happy and smile. Stop thinking about what will happen start saying you are going to rock or your going to do gour best.

8. Fake it till you make it.
If you are feeling that its difficult then fake yourself of saying opposite that you are going to do your best and its very easy task for you,being positive helps a lot.

9.Habits and practice kills your fear
At starting itself no one was perfect or no one knew how to speak well. Our mind feel nervous as it is new to us to speak in public. Its not necessary that people who speak well in front of millions of audience where so best from from their childhood. It's just that they have developed themself over a time.

10.Just try and face your fear
If you try to escape from your it will become more bigger..just try it.
Its easy to kill your fear in single second by trying it and practice it over a time. Trying it in small manner will create a big difference.

11. Its ok to make mistakes
Yes ..we get nervous by thinking if we go wrong,or if audience doesn't like our content, and we also imagine ourself in negative situation which are extremely negative. This thinking about fear of commiting mistake constantly again and again will raise lot of questions in mind, thinking too much about if you commit wrong ,actually makes you more nervous and your nervousness can create big mess.
              So Say yourself that you are going to do your best. Think what mistake you can do may be wrong pronunciation or any other try to make sure that you don't do any mistake. But say yourself that even if you do mistake its all ok. Mistakes makes us learning,no one is born perfect.

12.At last be yourself,say from your heart,love the moment of you r speech and enjoy it  Nothing is as beautiful your happiness.

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