20 January 2019

If someone say you are not capable of

Sometimes life becomes unfair to us.We are in a society where we are always judged and compared with others.And if people say that we are better than others we feel great but when they say we are not capable of ,it badly hurts us.

They don't know what goes inside us and how much bad we feel.But we feel helpless.
We get only 2 option either to listen it and accept it what they say which many of us will do it. This makes us feel that its nature of people . but there is another much better way which will create wonder.Its just that shut their mouth by proving them wrong!
But this can be right only if the thing which they are challenging is good by nature.

You can be motivated by their challenge but this can happen only when you discover what the thing is ,is it right for me,can i do it and how to do it.Be motivated and never lose hope.

If the thing is right and you are supposed to do it then don't move backward and as said, if people keep pushing you down you must understand one thing that you are above them but this doesn't end the work their .

If you are not going to shut their mouth by proving them that they are wrong they will always take you for granted and always disrespect you moreover you will not grow .So take people's bad comments in positive way by making it as challenge and grow from it.

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