09 June 2020

How to deal with mobile addiction?

Nowadays Mobile itself had became an important thing in our life. We know time is precious and once gone can never be gained but still we get so much addicted to phone that we can easily spend hours in scrolling social media and engaging in unimportant activities.We know everything but sometimes we still cant solve it....

Mobile is no doubt great creation but what matter is how we use it .The choice is upto us whether to utilize or misutilize it!

We humans can do anything but when it comes to mind we find it hard!...

So lets understand how to deal with mobile addiction.

10 May 2020

Are you changing yourself because of others?

Are you changing yourself because of others? Do you really need to do that?

Happiness and freedom comes when we live life for our self. And I believe that its great to  upgrade our self, to try something fancy, something exciting and something new,to create a better version of our self... but never to change for others in the emotion of insecurity!

28 April 2020

Debate for and against mobile .

Mobile is no doubt so great...but the problem is the way we misutilize it .

Debate between to use mobile or not to use

1. Mobile  is so good way to entertain

Ans. In the name of entertainment  we are actually fooling ourself and just killing time!

2. But when I use technology its so much fun..

Ans.What about your health...like if you overuse it and damage your eyes...you will get a big opticals and what about your mind and overall your health? Does spoiling yourself makes you happy?

17 April 2020

Things to do in quarantine time

Hello everyone...today i am going to talk about things we can do in quarantine time but before that i would request everyone to take this time seriously and take care of others by staying safe, wash your hands on regular intervals ,and try every possible step to be away from corona virus .
          Try to help others ...there are many people who cannot earn in this time and they are in need of money for survival .

05 April 2020

Truth and lie

Truth matters a lot..Its not just for good deeds but for great life...A life where everyone can trust us,A life where people can believe and  also can support is in difficult time.

But is it easy to speak truth? Do we speak truth with every people and with every situation?How many people speak truth and how many always speak truth?

The greatness of truth is it is pure. It is reality,you no need to remember it. But our mind is biggest culprit...

14 March 2020

Basic habits for better lifestyle

 I know its not a brand new year to form resolutions. But why we look forward to a brand new year to vary, if we will make changes within the next day or could also be from today itself?

May be you have experienced that on 31st  december we write so many things,about what to change but when 1st january comes we totally forget it or just say that just one day from tomorrow changes will be made and that tomorrow never comes!

So Here is the list of  basic habits for better life style.

04 March 2020

Why childhood is greatest period of one's life?

Childhood is actually golden period of life which one goes could never be returned.  But have you ever thought why this is so?

01 March 2020

Things to do when get bored

This topic gives you the list of things of 10 things which you can easily do it when you get bored.

1. Read books: If you dont love books you would have skipped this point...but as you are reading it I can say that this is great option ..  If you dont read books I suggest you to try once... without trying you must not hate it. It might not sound cool but will definitely make you smart You can read any books you like.. may be comedy,romance, autobiography,biography,fiction, nonfiction etc